The Best Solar Telescope is the one you enjoy and use often. How do you determine the Best Solar Telescope for you? This article will help make your decision.
I have been around the Astronomy community for some time with many telescope adventures under my belt. One of the scopes that I was looking to acquire is a nice 4 inch refactor, not just any refactor but a premium performer, capable of doing what I wanted to do visually and imaging wise, my choice was.....
For anyone who uses their cameras and or sensors in the field this is one of the best carry along accessories you can have in the field! Stop trying to blow off that dust your just moving it around and making matters worse. There is a simple and efficient way to "lift the dust off the sensor.. read on...
If you are in the market for a Daystar Quark and having difficulty in choosing between a Camera Quark or regular Eyepiece Quark, this article is for you.
This is my setup and how I achieved back focus on my Solar imaging and visual system.
The morning started rough and it got worse from there, I managed a couple white light continuum images before suffering heat stroke. Here is what I captured.
Summer makes me happy with the extended daylight, warmth and opportunity to explore the universe with my Telescopes. This year I put together an awesome setup that is near perfect to suit my 3 goals and objectives.
Stellarvue SV80 Access Telescope. This new Stellarvue SV80 Access mm telescope will be a nice addition to my solar setup as well as my night time Astronomy for low to medium power viewing. If you read my earlier post you know I do Solar viewing in HA and white light. hydrogen Alpha has very specific requirements that provide spectacular solar views, while the White light is more forgiving but still offers hours of enjoyment. Earlier this year I sold off my older Meade 80mm to upgrade to a finer, higher quality instrument.
I have been into Solar viewing and imaging for a few years. I find it more enjoyable than the night time Astronomy because the sun is ever changing and day to day has new features appearing. In general, Solar viewing and imaging is a better fit for my lifestyle. In this article I will cover down on the DayStar Camera Quark, I have the Prominence version. So let us take a look under the hood.
I would like to share my setup I use for my Gemini 2 for interfacing the awesome SkySafari application with the Gemini 2 for wireless control of my Losmandy G11.