Lunt Solar Wedge Review

ExclusiveLunt Solar Wedge Review

Today I would like to introduce you to the Lunt White Light Solar Wedge.  I have been a solar observer off and on for a number of years, one of the first accessories I purchased for my refractor was a solar film attachment.  This allowed me to use my telescope to safely view the sun.  I was hooked!

Lunt vs Badder Wedge Best Image Quality

ExclusiveLunt vs Badder Wedge Best Image Quality

Lunt vs Badder Solar Wedge Best Image Quality: I now have the opportunity to do a head to head comparison of two fantastic Solar Wedges, the Lunt White Light Solar Wedge and the Badder Herschel Wedge. Both are professional grade instruments but with a different design philosophy - Is one is photographically better?  

Lunt Versus Badder Solar Wedge

ExclusiveLunt Versus Badder Solar Wedge

Whether you are buying your first solar wedge or white filter or adding accessories to your setup, everyone wants the same thing - great quality, functionality, versatile, ease of use and a great price.  Here today we look at two different solar wedges with a different approach for basically doing the same job - getting great solar images. 

H-Alpha May 18 Solar Images

ExclusiveH-Alpha May 18 Solar Images

These are my solar images taken on this day in May.  I was trying out the new Badder Herschel Wedge along side the Lunt Solar Wedge.  My plan is to do a side by side comparison.  These images represent both white light and H-Alpha images.  Hope you enjoy.
Best Solar H-Alpha Images

ExclusiveBest Solar H-Alpha Images

Today was a remarkable day setting up the solar telescope in the beautiful daylight to safely view our sun in all its glory.  You heard it again and again, don't look at the sun - but with the CORRECT equipment you can study our nearest star.


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